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tv   The Rundown With Jose Diaz- Balart  MSNBC  September 22, 2015 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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pancreatic cancer and she endured surgery over the past 24 hours. we think it went well. >> mike barnicle. >> god bless the pope, arriving in america at 4:00 today. >> i'll let that be the the last word. >> it's way to early, it's morning joe. >> drink your cream. chug it, no, no, no! don't do that. >> i'm jose diaz-balart. we're just hours away from pope francis arriving here in the nation's capital. the hope wraps up historic visit to cuba today and he'll head to the airport before arriving in the washington d.c. area later this afternoon. his first trip ever to the united states. peter alexander is standing by live at the white house. but we start this morning with claudio lavanga.
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good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jose. he's wrapping up here in cuba. now look at who's in that crowd. it's the president, raul castro, again. the president how the people p poem's visit here on island has reconstituted a path between the state and the catholic church and word for tolerance. if you don't think that's a miracle, consider what happened yesterday. the east the country has suffered one of the last doubts in a century.
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>> and a lot of talk who the pope is not meeting with, not meeting with dissidents, opposition leaders. here's what they said, claudio. >> he -- imagine that he's so busy to waste his time with non-important persons and non-important issues. >> when someone brings a message of hope, it's always good, but there won't be much more because with a government like we have to gain something more is very complicated and the pope knows that. >> claudio, it seems as though the pope had time to visit with fidel castro, who is not a government official, met with him for 45 minutes and said the important thing is that the people hear his voice but yet he hasn't met with any of the
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dissidents. they're people, too. >> what he has tried to do is to at least meet a leader of a dissident group. it wasn't a scheduled meeting but it was a greeting. now the leader of the dissident group said she was not allowed to get even close to the pope, let alone the masses. the pope has tried to send a message to the cuban people saying they shall are in of in a way, that's what the pope can do. he's a head of state but he's also the leader of more than 1 billion catholics. so he's walking a fine line there between religious and diplomacy. of course dissidents will be upset and disappointed but
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hopefully his visit will also work not on towards religious tolerance but also toward better civil and human right here, jose. >> thank you very much. and in just hours president obama and the first lady will be on hand to welcome pope francis when he arrives in washington d.c. peter, what's expected at that meeting between president and pope? >> president obama will be alongside the first lady and the bidens. they'll be right there to greet him. this president has only done this once before. it was president bush who went to andrews to share a lot of the game concerns criminal justice reform is another within, even
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if they disagree on the issue of abortion and same-sex marriage. they met less than a year ago at the vatican. there will be a formal arrival ceremony on the south lawn. on thursday he'll address a joint meeting of congress. but the visit is not without its critics. an arizona representative boycotting the pope's speech because of his views on climate change. there's a transgender analyst and mike huckabee has called the white house classless, disrespectful and anti-christian and the white house says it is
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anything but that. monsignor, what impact do you expect the pope to have? >> i hope he takes a helicopter ride and looks at the the big picture. >> he's never shied away from criticizing things that he thinks are unfair, unjust? do you think this issue there are millions and millions of people that live here that don't have the opportunity to live within the society and yet contribute to it and don't feel anyone contribute so there are
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people there with very meager, meager affect. it turned out he received a book of immigrants who came through and half of the pictures are those who died. that left an intel abable that l not be lost here. >> do you think think his speech before the joint session of the u.s. congress is going to be a political one? >> it going to smag -- if you call that political, then it political. >> and a lot of his presentation
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will be in span. >> in when you realize he's supreme pa pastor of thein tr. >> the gop field is down to 15. that's because after 71 days as a candidate, republican scott walker is calling it quits. the wisconsin was once considered a formal pole, even getting a top three spot at last night's debate but after public gaffs and the rise in donald trump, walker saw his money and his support dry up. >> good morning.
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>> hi, jose. the wisconsin governor, who hadn't endorsed anybody else, left with a parting shot at donald trump without mentioning his name and you wla you could call advice from the rest of the field on how to beat the current front-runner. >> i believe that i'm being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race. >> leading by leaving, he says. and encouraging other candidates to consider doing the same. >> so that the voters can focus on a limited number of kbds, who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner. >> consider that a dig at donald trump. >> i think he's a nice guy and i think it's been tough for him. >> it's a freefall after winning tough elections in three years.
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>> scrambling to win over walker's supporters, former rivals like jeb bush and ted krusz. but it wasn't all laughs for boos. >> i believe in democracy and i don't think we should trust -- >> no, guys, guys -- however you feel, he's my guest to you please don't few pim. >> reporter: trump on the speech. >> mad you've met putin. >> the two of them have a lot in common actually. >> trump said he h a hard time
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watching the cable network, slammed others and took aim at bill o'reilly, calling him too negative. >> at the temperature of the hour, republican ben carson will take yes questions from reporters in ohio. he continues to stand by he tepted what going someone has a muslim background and they're willing to reject those tenets and clearly will swear to place our constitution above their religion, then of course they will be considered infidels and
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hair he's is north of cincinnati for us. good morning. what's the campaign saying today? zell with, he say, we're going to hear from the can't himself in about an hour. and in spite of that sort of trying to legislate al lit he also posted on makz. he said, know le support a president for president of the and has not denounced sharia law. he said unless these tenants are fully reannounced he'll be asked to explain that it jose sp.
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>> and this statement is kind of divided. the gop, we're now hearing from mitt romney. what's he saying. >> well, mitt romney of course faced some skepticism among conservative republicans, evangelicals, southern baptists born -- he tweeted out no religious for. jose? >> thank rp still ahead cwe're going to give live report on that. pluses prp everyone from
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that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works. (interrupting) you can't pick it up, can you? go ahead. he can't lift the hammer. it's okay though! you're going to change the world.
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now to capitol hill where republicans are about to raise the stakes in the budget showdown. the senate returns to session next hour. later this morning they'll set up a vote on an abortion bill ahead offer the arrival pope francis. senator reid is dismissing it as a show vote for the pope. luke russert is on capitol hill
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this morning. luke, good morning. >> jose, one week from tomorrow, if the government does nothing, it will shut down. there is no clear pathway forward yet on just how the got will be funded. there's a group of conservatives in the house as well as the senate that do not want to see any funds go to planned parenthood. a lot of people say the organization is so tainted after that video stand al, they don't want money going to that it tu. he's get a majority but it won't break filibuster. the other thing he did was fasttrack a bill that would
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defund the airplane prn so these are two show votes done by mcconnell to show conservatives he's an ardent pro-life supporter and he's willing to fight these fights. however, because it won't become law, it remains to be seen if that is good enough. mcconnell is going to have to figure out some sort of strategy. what it looks like now is the government runs out of money midnight next wednesday. more likely than not, mcconnell will try to jam the house and go to boehner and say this is our own option, you have to put it on the floor. this time, it's going to a really bad presidential year for our brand approximately it and
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so if you're john boehner, you're very excited hoping is addressing congress this week but also you're about a lot is on his plate, jose. >> so, luke, you you said there eems o so prks, it's a heck of a question, jose. the house of representatives were off yesterday, they're off today. there's no expectation they're going to be in this weekend working on this. so of the the sbecause even if e
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and less trite to expedite the process. that's an interesting thing, right? you have a challenge on the horizon and you don't want to come to work. welcome to washington. >> luke russert. thanks to coming in to work for us. good to see you as always. >> coming up, we'll talk about the daring escape of two inmates in kentucky. and a fighter jet crashes near the base. the pilot survived. we'll have the the latest next on "the rundown." hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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today some migrants tried to get into a camp while others tried to get out, saying they were promised they would only have to stay there for 24 hours. a daring inmate escape, a fiery jet crash and a tiger takes on a hammerhead. >> two inmates are back in custody after a daring escape. kristopher cornelius and matthew johnson got out by tying bed sheets together and climbing down the side of a building in louisville. they are behind bars for alleged heroin possession. >> a navy pilot into n good condition after ejecting from
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his jet this morning. the smoke was so thick, witnesses said you couldn't even tell what it is. the navy investigating. >> and check out this video from off the coast of santa barbara. we get a view of a kayaker fighting off an aggressive shark. he said the shark followed him back to shore and into about three feet of water. >> still ahead, popes generally stay out of political issues but that hasn't stopped some of the 2016 presidential figures giving their thoughts on the papal visit. but first are carly fiorina showed her lighter side on the "tonight show with jimmy fallon." >> my name is slick, i'm lazy,
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great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at a live look now at the nasdaq exchange in new york's times square. over a dozen world leaders and activists will be on stage in new yorkies central park on saturday along with great musicians link beyonce, pearl jam and ed sheeran. it's part of the initiative to end extreme poverty by 2030. let's take you back to the new
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york stock exchange to look at the big board. the dow is off to a pretty rough start, down about 140 points. much more on this ahead on the rundown. pope francis has been called a messenger of piece but his visit is also a political one. good to see you. >> lovely to see you, too. this t has been said a good catholic meddles in politics. but in so many ways, he's flipping the script on american politicians. he's called capitalism the dung of the devil and insist there is should be a revolution to combat climate change. pope francis is one of the most popular people in the world and making american republican politicianss are even the catholic ones uncomfortable. >> i hope i'm not going to get castigated from my priest back
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home but i don't get economic policy from my bishops or cardinals or pope. >> he's urged global cooperation, backing the iran deal, issuing a sweeping new directive on climate change and helping the u.s. to communicate with cuba. >> pope francis med sunday with fidel castro, 33 years after ronald reagan and pope john paul ii forged a secret alliance to take on communism. >> they are suggesting every democrat should vote for the party. >> i hope what the pope does is to prick the conscience of everyone. >> still the vatican is concerned about the guest who is
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will greet the pope at the white house, including transgender activists. >> jeb bush and chris christie, who are both catholic, will take time from campaigning to see him. >> his attitude has the potential to be transformative. >> not interested in seeing pope francis, front-runner donald trump. >> the pope believes in global warming. this room is so hot in here, maybe i'll believe it myself. this room is hot. >> trump of course is a presbyterian. let's talk about what this is going to be like when he goes to congress later this week. there already are discussions among congressional leaders about how to make sure this doesn't turn too partisan. they'll make it so the chamber doesn't do their usual applause. they don't want the image where half the chamber is standing up applauding and the other half is
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sitting down -- >> how are they going to control that is it. >> the decorum for this is going to be very carefully controlled. all the members of congress are told thi is how it's going to be and they've enlisted about 50 members who are known to be well behaved to sit along the aisle so -- >> they said no selfies with him. >> they said no selfies, don't stick your hand out to shake his hand. >> casey, who knew there were 50 well behaved members. that's a little bit of news here on "the rundown." >> with me to talk a little more about the politics and the pope, e.j. dion and national reporter. jeb bush wrote an op-ed on how his khattic face changed him. he said i hope pope's visit to the united states is a powerful
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reminder that in a country has great of ours we can protect religious freedom and the right of conscience. >> people want the pope to stay out of politics whenever the poem doesn't agree with them on an important issue. you've had left and right say this at different moments. what's different about fran is he has utterly changed the emphasis back to where it was maybe 30, 40 years ago. there are a lot of comparisons with pope john xxiii, where he is welcoming immigrants at the center of church teaching and this is obviously making many republicans uneasy. you ask a pope, any man saying
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this in spanish, how would he have been welcomed at the republican debate? and i think there's another interesting thing to watch. conservatives always said liberal catholics were cafeteria catholics, they picked and chose from the teachings. you now have conservatives joining the cafeteria line. they don't like what the pope has said about global warming at all. but we still have to remember the witness here is still going to be about faith. it's not just about what he says politically. he's challenging everybody to get rid of his complacency, especially about the poor and i think conservatives are going to identify with that part of the trip. >> the pope has been very vocal. right here do you think he's going to play a part in maybe helping the discourse on immigration be a little bit more
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civil and specific? >> most definitely. the only time the pope has weighed in on an issue is the immigration issue at the border. it will be an uncomfortable message for some and a rallying cries for others who support him on this issue. >> it's just become so politicized and immigration is always politicized but it's also become so acidic that the dialogue and the semantics. can he make a difference? >> i think he can. he's a guy who is thought to lead with integrity. and i think he'll have a dialogue and step up and figure something out. >> he's a guy who is going to speak in mostly spanish in this country. e.j., how is that going to go
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over, only four of his speeches only one at congress will be in english, the rest will be in spanish. >> right. i think that will send a powerful message. but what does that say about us? i have to say if the pope actually kangs the tone of our conversation on immigration, this would really count on one of the miracles if anybody puts him up for sainthood someday. i hope he gives people pause in the way he thinks about this and he's led by example so the people, for example, one of the groups he's meeting with in new york includes migrant workers, car washers, some of the young people who came on unaccompanied from central america. he's saying this isn't just about politics, this is about people suffering and you hope that that has an effect on people but i wish i could be
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more optimistic that he could perform that miracle in american politics. >> but you know, let's remember, miracles are never easy and this certainly would be a huge miracle if he's able to do that. thank for being with me. >> and carly fiorina head to south carolina today. it's the third state to vote in the gop nominating contest and the first from ut south. the latest national polls, she's second behind donald trump. and last night she was on the "tonight show" and weighed in on her rival ben carson. >> he said he would not advocate a muslim being in office. >> i think that's wrong. faith gives us humility and
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empathy and optimism. >> so you would be fine with that? >> yes, i would be fine with that. >> jane, good morning. let's start with what she said about carson. how is that different from what other candidates have or have not been saying? >> everybody else in the field has had sort of a tepid response. they've sort of distanced themselves with it but tried not to speak too strongly about it. carly came out with a really strong statement, that's wrong. it says that she's not going to hamstring herself in a general election. if she has sided with carson, she would have hurt herself in a general election. she's playing the long game. she's looking toward the general election. >> has her campaign said anything about the exit of scott walker or the chance to grab the supporters he may have had? >> they haven't said anything
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publicly yet but what they say time and time again is the more they see carly fiorina, the more they like her. and i've been seeing that on the campaign trail. i think we're going to see her try to pick up those followers in iowa. she's headed there after this three-day stint in south carolina. >> so what's the plan to become better known and how do you become better known when a lot of the oxygen in this political discourse is taken up by trump and then trump? she left trump speechless in that last debate and i think it put her on the map, even if it just a temporary speechlessness. she's going to keep doing this very rigorous campaign schedule. she's two to three hits in every city and state she visits and getting out there and visiting. we're here at the citadel, she'll be here this afternoon
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for about an hour. we'll see how many people sheep draws. >> thank you very much. up next on the rundown, kentucky clerk now the aclu says she'll still interfering. plus the cost of some prescription drugs going up more than 5,000%. we'll explain how that's happening on the "rundown." james reinhart is reinventing the secondhand market. he picks them up and sells them for you. our cosmetics line was a hit.
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new developments this morning in the volkswagen scandal. the company says 11 million vehicles world wide could be affected by software. they are setting aside $7 billion in fallout.
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the company has promised to cooperate with u.s. regulators. >> rowan county clerk kim davis back in the news. she failed to comply with a court order that ordered her to direct other clerks to sign marriage lines as deputies. "the aclu's motion to again hold kim davis in contempt reveals that their interest is not the license but rather a marriage license bearing the name of kim davis. they want her scalp to hang on
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the wall as a trophy." >> well, that's not normal legal language. there are those who feel fervently that there ought to be a religious except or route-around. as we know watching this play out, the supreme court decide the law and if you can't uphold the law as decided by the supreme court, then you're probably not fit for government office. do something else with your time and beliefs. the lawyers are saying they don't think it's reasonable that the aclu wants the license issued in a certain way. the aclu was saying the same principal tested dramatically last time is being tested in a more boring way now, can a lower official find ways of doing
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exactly what the supreme court has ordered, in this case, uniform, standard, similar marriage lie sernss for people regardless of their identity or the type of relationship they're in. >> so these licenses are being granted and they are leave, right. >> no one has said they are not. the aclu says she starts ped itting not under the authority of the local office. depending on the view you have of this, that may seem like a small thing to live with or what the aclu is arguing is there's no reason a couple because they happen to be gay should have some differently worded, differently described potential marriage license. the clerk has been willing o go very far to express her disagreement with what is current law. the supreme court has held these marriages must be recognized. >> all right, it's great seeing you. thanks for being with me.
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>> after a quick break, price gouging in the dug industry. how one pill can go from costing $13 to more than $750. you might need medicine after seeing this video. this is a rat taking takeout to a new definition. he's figuring pizza? ooh, let's see ratatouillie or something at home. there's no one road out there. no one surface... no one speed...
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plans a rollout of a proposal to lower the cost of prescription drugs. in a "new york times" story, they're reporting astronomical price increases in some cases as much as 5,000%. nbc's tom costello joins me now with more on that story. tom, good morning. >> reporter: jose, good morning. this is a growing problem, dramatic increases in drug prices by pharmaceutical companies focused on the bottom line. this morning one company causing
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a firestorm after its price hike of 5,000% for a drug that's been around for 62 years. the heat now being felt from wall street to the campaign trail. it's enough to make you sick. drug prices not doubling or tripling, but in some cases soaring $2,000, $3,000, even $5,000! the latest bombshell by a company called turing fa pharmaceuticals which recent i had acquired a drug and raised the price from $13.50 to $758 a tablet. >> right now there's no regulation in place that says this company can't price the drug where it is. >> reporter: the drug is used to treat life threatening parasitic infections sometimes contracted by vulnerable aids patient. the former ceo of turing a former hedge fund manager says the money will go to develop a better version of the drug. >> this is the more appropriate price for the drug. at this price it is still on the low end of what orphan drugs cost. we are certainly not the first
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company to raise drug prices. >> reporter: speaking at an event in little rock, hillary clinton promised to start holding drug companies accountable for their prices. >> nobody in america should have to choose between buying the medicine they need and paying their rent. >> reporter: across social media people blasted the ceo's decision making him immediately unpopular but he's fighting back, tweeting the lyrics to a song by rapper eminem. it seems like the media immediately points a finger at me so i point one back at them. but not index or pinkie. >> in response to all of this attention, and doctors and patient groups saying they can't access this drug, are you going to change the price? >> no. >> reporter: investors will be watching very closely today what happened on wall street with biotech stocks following hillary clinton's comments on the issue of drug prices, the index of biotech stocks dropped nearly 5% on monday. that ceo remains defiant, he will not drop the price of the drug. i want to take you live now
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at a senate armed services committee hearing on the u.s. middle east policy. you see senators are hearing from former cia director and centcom commander general david petraeus. his first time back before congress since his resignation and sentencing to two years probation for revealing classified information to his former mistress and biographer, paula broadwell. moments ago he apologized for the scandal. >> four years ago i made a serious mistake one that brought discredit on me and pain to those closest to me. it was a violation of the trust placed in me and a breach of the values to which i had been committed throughout my life. there's nothing i can do to undo what i did. i can only say again how sorry i am to those i let down and then strife to go forward with a greater sense of humility and purpose and with gratitude to those who have stood with me during a very difficult chapter
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in my life. >> we will keep an eye on this hearing and share with you any further developments. coming up on "the rundown" -- we are watching two events for you next hour. pope francis has wrapped up his last mass in cuba before heading here to washington, d.c. plus ben carson is about to step to the microphone in sharonville, ohio where he'll be taking questions from reporters. he's been facing some heat recently about saying a muslim should not be president. we'll be closely watching that event for you right here on "the rundown." i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan, but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit
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your link to what's next. good morning once again. i'm jose diaz-balart coming to you from catholic university in washington, d.c. across from the basilica. this will be one of the stops pope francis will make during his inaugural visit to the united states. he lands at andrews air force base today at 4:00 p.m. eastern. we'll have much more on his historic visit here in just a
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moment. right now i want to take you to sharonville, ohio, live pictures here. any minute republican presidential candidate ben carson is expected to take questions from reporters. there you see that the podium's been set up. the flag is there and he is expected to come out through that door any minute now. he's come under fire in the past 48 hours from democrats and some republicans for saying that a muslim should not be president. but in the wake of that comment on sunday he hasn't backed down. while we wait for ben carson, nbc's john yang is standing by in ohio. good morning, john. what can we expect today? >> reporter: good morning, jose. he's certainly going to get asked about that comment. overnight he tried to -- or he did try to explain himself a little more on fox news, he said that he was talking about radical islam. he was talking about sort of the more extreme elements of islam. he said that if a muslim were to denounce sharia law, were to pledge devotion or loyalty,
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rather, to the u.s. constitution, then he might be able to -- or he would be able to support him for president. but at the same time, on facebook he said that unless these tenets are fully renounced, referring to sharia law, he said i cannot sad crkr advocate any muslim candidate for president. >> sorry to interrupt, but let's listen in to mr. carson right now. [ inaudible ] >> i would say if people listen to that interview, they'll notice that i said that anybody, regardless of their religion or affiliation, if they embrace american values and they place the constitution at the top
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level, then i'm supportive of them. that was what i said first. so that part nobody heard. >> what about the other part when you said -- [ inaudible ] >> well, by implication, that question being asked if my initial response didn't answer the question, then he was saying, well, what about somebody who is of a faith that does not traditionally separate. >> we've lose the feed there from sharonville, ohio. i apologize for that but that's the nature of live television. the presidential -- pre-presidential candidate ben carson. first question asked about the comments he made last sunday on "meet the press" with chucked to.
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let me bring in nbc's senior political reporter perry bacon. this controversy seals to be one that's following mr. carson around and he seems to be pretty much repeating what he said on "meet the press." >> just listening to what he said right there, he seems to be saying now that he's against any person of any faith who doesn't believe in the constitution, which is slightly -- he seemed to be saying it was a comment about any person of any religion. not just about muslims. although on facebook last night he did speak about muslims and their views he disagreed with. i'm not totally sure what he's saying. he seems to be trying to reduce the amount of controversy about his remarks. he's been criticized by people like mitt romney and carly fiorina. he's kind of standing by them but in some ways suggesting that he was misinterpreted. i don't really think he was. >> that's interesting. he said you didn't listen to the entire comments i said to chuck
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todd, the sentence before and now the sentence after. is this going to have an impact you think on the race? >> i don't think it is going to have that big of an impact on the republican primary. first of all, it isn't good. as ronald reagan said, if you're explaining, you're losing. he's explaining that's what i meant. that's never a good thing. when you look at the republican party as a whole, many of emthis line up with his belief on this or at least what he is explaining now to be his belief that -- for example, public policy polling did a poll earlier this year and a majority of likely republican voters said they thought barack obama was a muslim. so the republican party as a whole might even side with ben carson, the majority of the republican party might even side with ben carson on some of this. >> perry, this is something that could maybe have less of an impact during the primaries than certainly a general election. but do you think that this is
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something that is going to continue to be discussed in days at weeks to come? >> i do. he said something that was very controversial. a lot of people have been very critical of him, within the republican party even. people like mitt romney has been criticizing him over that. i don't think ben carson was very electable in the first place but i do think you're going to see more of his fellow candidates criticize him and bring up other remarks he's made. remember he's the man that said obamacare was akin to slavery. i think you'll hear more ideas and people will learn that carson has a lot of views that are out of the mainstream of where a lot of americans are. i think that will be a problem for his candidacy. >> shira, hainteresting, becaus in the past when donald trump's said things that are out of the mainstream have helped him. in this case, not necessarily so. >> donald trump, the rules of normal politics apparently do not apply to donald trump. he's done many things that would have sunk other candidacies,
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have sunk other candidacies. let's even talk about boasting about wealth. that sunk in many ways romney's candidacy. i think the rules are a little different -- not saying it is fair -- but different candidates in the field. people have different expectations for people like ben carson. this is one of the perils of being a first-time candidate on the national stage like ben carson is. these are the kinds of mistakes that a lot of other candidates who have run for state wide office before or have even run for president before, they know this is not the kind of news you want to make on a sunday show. this is not the headline you want going into a monday when you're second or first in the polls. it's a question of discipline and experience. >> thank you both for being with me this morning. appreciate your time. meanwhile, final preparations are under way here in washington, d.c. with pope francis set to arrive at the nation's capital this afternoon. the pontiff wrapped up his city in santiago. there you see images of the pope after his mass going through the streets of second largest city
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in cuba on his pope mobile. the pope spoke about the need for more freedom for cuba's church, to have seeds of reconciliation. there you see some of the live images of the pope with his security detail going through the streets of santiago. for years cuba has been a catholic church from community service and any outreach activities. we have a reporter in havana. what's been your reaction to this pope's visit? >> reporter: well, clearly the reaction is one of hope here especially among catholics. once again the pope during the homily this morning said there is the need for more freedom for the catholic church and he talked about the reconciliation. now his visit here is a big help. it has accelerated apparently these reconciliation between catholic church and the state and the proof of it is that this morning there at mass guests at
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mass were sitting in front row. president raul castro. once again. now he has attended all three masses by the pope on the island. that's a powerful symbol if not a message that the state and catholic church are on the right path of full reconciliation and towards religious tolerance. but the cubans here are saying that that's not the only miracle that the pope has performed during his stay on the island. yesterday in holguin, some of the worse wo drought in the past century. guess what? when the pope landed in santiago, it started raining. it was a downpour and of course the cubans are calling that holy water, jose. >> thank you very much for us in havana, cuba. now back to ohio, republican presidential candidate ben carson is speaking in sharonville, this time i understand about vaccines. >> -- even though if there were
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no vaccinations you would still have a certain population of people who would get autism. now if everybody was required to eat carrots, the same people would be saying it's the carrots that's causing the autism. but the real science and the work that has been done on this demonstrates no correlation. >> dr. carson, can you talk a little bit about about the ohio primary six months away. why are you here now? >> i have to be somewhere and ohio's as good as any place. >> joe johns, cnn. did anybody ask you about how you sort of comport your view on a muslim president with the notion that it is sound fundamental discrimination. given the fact that you're an
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african-american republican, some people might find that inconsistent. >> well, it has nothing to do with being a muslim. that was the question that was specifically asked. if the question had been asked about a christian, and they had said, you know, would you support a christian who believes in establishing a theocracy. i would have said no. some people would say he's against christians. no. you have to be able to look at the context in which i'm saying. >> but what is the context, if not discriminatory? >> the context is, as i said before that question was asked, anybody of any religious faith whatsoever, if they embrace american values and they place our constitution at the top level, above their religious beliefs, i have no problem with them. >> so that a national -- >> i said that. it's on the record. on nbc. on "meet the press."
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did anybody pick up on that? of course not. because that wasn't a juicy story. but that's exactly what i said. that's exactly what i meant. i don't care what a person's religious beliefs are or what their religious heritage is. if they embrace american culture, if they embrace our constitution, and are willing to place that above their religious beliefs, i have no problem with them. i said that. why is it impossible for people to hear that? >> last question. it goes without saying that anyone, should they take the oath for president of the united states, would swear allegiance to the constitution and uphold it. so every president, be they muslim, jewish, catholic, christian, hindu, whatever, would take the same oath. so are you basically saying
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taking the oath, then you're okay? >> here's what i'm saying. when the situation arises and we have somebody in that situation, let's talk about it then. okay? why get off into theoretical situations. no point in doing that. you know, there's so many important issues that are going on right now in this country. and why is it that people are not interested in the important issues that are going on? why are people not interested in the remedy to this situation that's going on in syria. why are people not interested in the educational problems that are going on here. why are people not interested in -- >> well, we just lost the satellite feed once again from sharonville, ohio. but, that is the nature of the business. we continue to be live here in washington, d.c. lots more ahead on "the rundown." the pope just wrapped up a mass in cuba and rode the pope mobile
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through the streets of santiago, expected to head to the airport in the next hour. and hillary clinton plans to reveal more of her health care play which means a break from part of president obama's signature health care law. details next on "the rundown." ty of boys... married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you.
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hillary clinton's expected to publicly break with president obama over parts of a signature domestic achievement. the democratic front-runner will reportedly call for a repeal of the so-called cadillac tax, it is the tax built in to the affordable care act which awards generous health care plans. on monday clinton kicked off a three-state swing to focus on health law and how that's helped families. just in the last hour, vice president joe biden was speaking about the white house's historically black colleges and
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universities initiative. want to talk about him, too. carrie dan is with me this morning. what does hillary clinton gain from breaking from part of president obama's health care law? >> well, jose, hillary clinton has had an overarching message of wanting to embrace obamacare. she's talked throughout her campaign about the fact that she believes it is a step in the right direction and really taking republicans to task for their attempts to repeal the law but there's also a lot of energy on the left for some changes to it and hillary clinton is giving kind of a nod to those. today she'll talk about prescription drug reform, a very emotional issue. she's been talking very vocally on twitter about price gouging for prescription drugs, something older voters think about. the cadillac tax is a hefty tax placed on the most petroleum yum health care plans, often those arranged by labor unions. she knows there is a lot of energy from other democratic contenders about addressing this and she says, look, obamacare is
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good. it is taking us in the right direction but there fixes that have to be made. >> the president has always said that, too, that if some fixes need to be made, he's willing to look forward to them. let me ask you about this new report on the hill saying that joe biden is likely to get in the race. krit contin kristin welker said her sources said the same thing. >> the big thing for joe biden now is the coming timeline of events. the clock is really ticking for him both on the fund-raising front and on the organizational front. he does not have a fund-raising apparatus, has not raised a single dollar and would need between $50 million and $100 million to be able to compete. couple things to watch. both the pope's visit which will dominate a lot of the vice president's time. then u.n. general assembly. after that, october 13th is the first democratic debate. if he wants to delay he would give up the chance to be on stage with the rest of those contenders. going forward if joe biden wants
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to be on the ballot in states on the democratic primary ballot, he needs to get moving because november 6 is when those deadlines start to come across. a lot of folks are watching what joe biden's going to do. he has given a lot of candid assessments about how much this will affect his family and how he is weighing the effect on his grandchildren. but the clock is ticking on the organizational front and the fund-raising front that i mentioned. >> carrie dann, thank you. goldman sachs ceo lloyd blankfein. and another turbulent week on wall street. the dow down triple digits to start the morning. more about that when we come back. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta and fires up free wi-fi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before you know what he can do? let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! book your next stay at!
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forced his resignation. >> four years ago i made a serious mistake, one that brought discredit on me and pain closest to those closest to me. it was a violation of the trust placed in me and a breach of the values to which i've been committed throughout my life. there's nothing i can do to undo what i did. i can only say again how sorry i am to let -- to those i let down, and then strive to go forward with a greater sense of humility and purpose and with gratitude to those who have stood with me during a very difficult chapter in my life. >> petraeus is testifying before a senate armed services committee on u.s. mideast policy. this is his first visit back to congress after being sentenced to two years probation for sharing classified information with his mistress, paula broadwell. on wall street stocks are
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down pretty sharply in this first hour of trading. 220 points the dow jones is down. s&p 500, 26 points. nasdaq down 75. let's go to cnbc's morgan brennan with a market rundown. >> it is a rough start for stocks today. major indexes giving up monday's gains turning negative for the week and actually turning negative for the month as well. dow is down about 1.3%. the s&p and nasdaq are also down more than 1% a piece. so why is this happening? well, investors are skittish. they're taking profits as a number of factors continue to weigh on the market. there are the ongoing worries about the economic slowdown in had china, this as the chinese president arrives in the states today for a visit. the federal reserve also a factor after it didn't raise rates in september. that hike could now take place as soon as october but theed f has been viewed as hurting stocks by citing worries about the global economy in its decision to wait last week. oil is also pressuring stocks. u.s. crude futures are down
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about 2% on slowing global demand concerns. in recent months we've seen a correlation between oil and equities when crude falls, in many cases so, too, do stocks. now switching gears, another piece of news that is affecting wall street today as well, goldman sachs chairman and ceo lloyd blankfein saying he's been diagnosed with a highly curable form of lymphoma. he says his treatment plan will include chemotherapy over the next several months and he expects to "work substantially" as normal leading the form but will reduced some previously planned travel. global president and chief operating officer gary cohn is also expected to have enhanced responsibilities through blankfein's treatment period. some news out of goldman sachs. but in terms of the broader, why we are seeing stocks sell off today, it is really those fears over slow hog global economic environment. >> morgan brennan, thank you very much. kim davis, james blake and a border battle are some of today's other top stories.
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a week after returning to work, kentucky court clerk kim davis faces a new legal challenge claiming she's interfering with marriage licenses. according to aclu, davis' modified forms are raising questions about the validity of the licenses issued. liberty council, a group opposing same-sex marriage and representing davis says she's made a good faith effort to comply with the court's order. some signs of progress in the border battle between colombia and venezuela. the presidents of the two countries agreed to begin normalizing relations by redeploying ambassadors who are were dawn in a month-old dispute that's halted trade along the border. the two presidents did not announce a re-opening of border checkpoints as some had hoped. former tennis star james blake says he feels encouraged after a meeting with new york city's mayor and police commissioner. blake asked for the meeting
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after an undercover police officer took him down in a case of mistaken identity. after meeting blake, he said that he and the mayor de blasio were "on the same page" on issues of reducing crime and stronger accountability for officers. coming up just hours from now to our nation's capital, the president meets the pope. the pope is departing santiago, cuba shortly. right now he's meeting with families in a church. we'll talk more about this and the pontiff's upcoming address before congress on "the rundown" today from washington, d.c. w! tr reminds me of a washcloth! new charmin ultra strong, dude. cleans so well it keeps your underwear cleaner. (secretly) so clean you could wear them a second day. tell me i did not just hear that! (sheepishly) i said you could not that you would! new charmin ultra strong with its washcloth-like texture, helps clean better than the leading flat-textured bargain brand. it's 4 times stronger, and you can use up to 4 times less. it cleans better. you should try it, "skidz." we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin?
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pope francis at this moment meeting with families in our lady of the assumption cathedral in santiago. in a couple of hours pope fr francis will be landing at joint base andrews. many catholics have praised him
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for the direction the pope's been taking the church in. with me to talk about the evolution of the pope and possibly even the catholic church, gene robinson a. bishop, you are one of the people meeting with pope francis at the welcoming ceremony in d.c. tomorrow. talk to me about that. >> it is a very exciting thing. because it's pope francis pea's first trip to the united states, ever, it will be a welcome to the whole country. so it is a great honor to be a part of that. i think it will be very interesting to see what he talks about. we learned this phrase in seminary which is that the mission of a priest is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. and i think francis is much beloved because of his comfort for the afflicted. it will be very interesting to see, however, if he speaks truth to power either at white house
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or in congress or both. >> he didn't seem to do that very directly during his three masses in cuba. right, bishop? >> that's correct. i suspect he's thinking as many of us do that that's a very much more delicate situation, both diplomatically and just pastorally. i think he will come here and speak about income\s and a sustainable environment and taking care of the planet in ways that will actually be quite challenging for us. >> according to the "wall street journal" expressed concern that photos with the pope may not coincide with the catholic doctrine. >> a public leader like the pope is a human starting gun. anything he does will have symbolism and meaning beyond his personal intentions. it's one of the remarkable things about his visit here to
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the u.s. is he's coming as a pope with a pope's perspective. but people are receiving him with all kinds of agendas and lenses of their own. >> so it's important, do you think -- how does he draw that line between representing a church that wants to be all inclusive but with some very concrete dogma that may not be the ones that the people are putting him around support or agree with? >> well, you know, this has happened to the pope before. occasionally he's found himself in pictures that people will interpret as consistent with whatever their agenda is. but in general he's actually been quite savvy about recognizing when things like wash rg the feet of a prisoner allows him to put an image out into the world that reflects what his values are and his message is around the vulnerable, the marginalized and the poor. >> bishop, the fact that he's only speaking four times in english during his visit here to the united states and he's going to be meeting with immigrant families in philadelphia, the
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chair he is going to be sitting on in his mass in new york has been built by day laborers. do you think that the issue of immigration and how to talk about it can be something that the pope has an impact on here? >> you know, i really hope he does talk about this. let's remember that hispanic catholics are amongst the most positive about their feelings about this pope. and so to have a spanish speaking pope deliver many of his addresses in spanish will be very, very important to that segment of his flock. i don't see how with his sensitivity and care for the dispossessed and marginalized, i just don't see how he can come to america at this point in our lives and not address the immigration situation here around the 11 million or so undocumented people we have in this country. because i think his heart will go out to them and i think his
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challenge will go out to america. >> i do know that the pope is not comfortable speaking in english and he's really been practicing for many months, both what he's going to be saying at the white house and at that joint session on capitol hill. but is it important that the pope speak in spanish and talk about these issues directly, or would it be even more positive if he dealt with it in a much more diplomatic way, the way he's been talking about, well, the lack of freedom in cuba in a very diplomatic way. some way not at all. >> yeah, he's been treading a very fine line down in cuba and i agree with bishop robinson that that's partly because of our delicate that situation is. here in the united states, i think it is fantastic that he's speaking both in english and spanish. one of the things that pope is is somebody who bridges. he brings together people who have had disparate interests. he's inviting a large group of
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people into the values of the catholic church whether they are catholic or not. as somebody who's worked in anti-poverty, i love it that he is calling a global attention to poverty and marginalization. and to do that, he's got to be able to meet people where they are and they speak more than one language. so i think it is wonderfully symbolic and probably appropriate. >> reminding all our viewers that the pope was born and raised in argentina. his first language is spanish. he speaks italian. he speaks german. but that's pretty much it so it is very difficult for him to speak in english but he will do so at the white house, at congress and a few other places as well. thank you both for being with me this morning. appreciate your time. developing now, republican presidential candidate ben carson just moments ago responding to critics about the he recent comments he made about muslims on "meet the press." here's part of what he said. >> if people listen to that interview, they'll notice that i
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said that anybody, regardless of their religion or affiliation, if they embrace american values and they place the constitution at the top level, then i'm supportive of them. that was what i said first. some that part nobody heard. >> those comments come on the heels of another major political development. scott walker suspending his campaign for president. let's talk about this with our political strategists. what's your reaction to what mr. carson has been saying and what he just said moments ago? >> i think he's trying to correct the record. the problem is when he corrects it, as he said, that's the first part. he's not talking about the second part which i think is clearly offensive and has no place in politics which he says basically there's -- you can't really be a muslim president. there are two components of it. i think he is trying to have his cake and eat it, too. i think it is a mistake.
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but broadly, whether it's ben carson or donald trump, i think we will look back at this period of time six months or a year from now as kind of the funny period, of fun and entertainment of sorts in a perverse way. the fact of the matter is i think the conventional candidates are starting to shine as a consequence of the really faux pass that have happened. the best example is a donald trump in a "usa today" poll is now in second place. so i think this will fade. this is the beginning. to now i think settle in on people and particularly our party activists to say these people are not prepared for prime time. >> angela, what do you make of carson's comments and the reaction to it? >> jose, i am waiting for him to continue to mess up. like ben carson's initial debate performance was tay busy maabys. i was really surprised when he begran an to see him surge in t
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polls. these are the things that he really believes. unfortunately i'm sure i'm not alone when i say i've been eager for him to go back to his initial profession which is neurosurgery or at least guiding other residents to do that. he is not good in diplomacy. he's not good on repeating republican talking points that other folks can digest. and these comments are just horrible. they continue to reflect the type of hate speech, and that ses actually what it is that we continue to hear from our gop candidates. he is not setting himself apart from the pack. and he is sounding just like donald trump but this time it is targeted to muslims. these are the kinds of words that are spoken where there's violence against people who don't deserve it. you cannot continue to compound this type of hatefuling with ignorant speech. it is 2015 and we have to get beyond it. it is just ridiculous. >> well, it is ridiculous in this regard. they are not -- they will not be candidates that we will nominate. they are not the republican
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talking points. they're not the republican -- >> but they are. >> they might be running, you're right, as republicans. i guess we have a socialist running also for president of the united states on the democratic side as well. anybody who read the socialist party platform, i think they'd be very frightened to see our entire capitalist system being dismantled. >> come on. >> well, it's true. these fringe candidates -- i agree with you to this extent -- >> i wish they were fringe. >> donald trump is fringe. he will not be our nominee. >> because he's the other black guy? >> ben carson's views are totally -- >> your remarks have been repudiated when rick perry got out of the race. that's the first time that any republican candidate has pushed back against some of this hateful rhetoric. and you know it.
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so that they don't abandon the base is when they're out of the race. you know that's true. >> angela, iapparently you missd the last debaste. >> no! i watched the entire three hours. >> everybody attacked donald trump. >> they attacked what he said about carly fiorina -- you know that's not true. >> they were very clear in articulating the convention of candidates that will be there. jeb bush, senator rubio. >> i'll give you jeb bush. i won't give you senator rubio. >> all of those candidates have renounced and deplored the language of ben carson and donald trump and they will be one of our party nominees. >> i'll tell you what. this is a conversation that i ha have's been happy to not have a word in on edgewise. but i have to say, thank you both. i so appreciate you both being on with me. one of the world's most renowned prelimmakers launching
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a new product like you've never seen before. he's working with the united nations to raise awareness about the global goals xacampaign for sustainable development. goals over the next 15 years include ending extreme poverty, fighting\s an injustice, and tackling climate change. my colleague spoke to filmmaker richard curtis a short time ago. >> your goal is to reach 7 billion people in seven days. it sounds ambitious. how do you plan on doing that? >> it is ambitious. we might not get to the last person but what we're doing is basically we've looked at every single way that people receive information and tried to do something so that we've actually got 1 1/2 billion messages going out on mobile phones. trying to get to every cinema with an ad that we've made. in 100 countries. there are lessons. radio stations. concert in central park and then putting that on tv. what we've tried to do is just
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analyze how people get information and try to get into every single tunnel. >> you talked about that concert. it also ties in to the global citizens festival that msnbc is proudly sponsoring. how will this event help further these important goals that you've outlined beyond just being a music concert? >> well, actually, it's a music concert but i've been making films over the last year, tiny little 2 1/2-minute films of famous people saying the goals, we're doing an amazing projection of what the goals achieve on the u.n. building. there's a prelim called "no point going half-way" which is saying between 2000 and 2015 we've saved millions of lives, why would you stop now? usain bolt wouldn't stop at 50 meters in a race. why would we stop before the end and end extreme poverty? i'm hoping to get beyonce and ed sheeran singing their heads off and you'll also learn a bit
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about the goals. the show is being shown in 90 countries. all the best bits will be there for the rest of the. >> richard, you just released a new ad with liam neesan and michelle rodriguez that will be seen in movie thigh tereaters a the globe. how are you using movie celebrities like those two to make these goals known as well? >> michelle is quite funny. she did a bril fiial filliant f on red nose today. the point is not to tee thoo seriously. this is an amazing ad made by great animators which shows the goals being gaveled in the u.n. but every single country is represented biby ablthe animal that country rather than by the leader of that country. >> let me ask you about red nose day. is it hard to get celebrities involved in causes like this?
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>> i don't think it is. we don't find it. because celebrities are underneath all the makeup and hair styles. they're normal people and many of people want to take an opportunity. if you say to them, look, you come and you sing or you come and you say something or you come and you do a voiceover, and hundreds of thousands of people will benefit from it, they actually find it quite easy to say yes. it's never been a problem for me and i've got enormous admiration. chris martin's just committed to doing these global citizens festivals for 15 years. he'll be in a wheelchair by the end. >> richard curtis, continued success on all these endeavors that you are taking on. >> thank you, guys, for all the support you're giving it. it is enormously important. my thanks to msnbc's amm reporting. next, back to capitol hill where the senate is back in session. republicans are setting up a
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vote on an abortion bill ahead of the pope's rifle. we wi the dow jones is down 268 points. be right back. ideas are scary. they come into this world ugly and messy. ideas are frightening because they threaten what is known. they are the natural born enemy of the way things are. yes, ideas are scary, and messy and fragile. but under the proper care,
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and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit and this senate, which i love, ought to turn away developing now on capitol hill. the senate is back in session in a matter of moments is scheduled to hold a procedure vote on an abortion bill. this vote comes just hours ahead of pope francis pea's arrival in the nation's capital and a little over a week before the deadline of a possible government shutdown. nbc's luke russert is watching developments on capitol hill. luke, what are we expecting today? >> well, jose, this vote will go forward and it will not get the 60 votes needed to break filibuster. this is a bill that would ban an abortion at 20 weeks. this is seen by a lot of people on the bill as being a showboat
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by mitch mccobbnnelcconnell, th leader, not only because the pope is here but also to show some of the angry conservatives in his conference that he's serious about being pro life in life of what happened with those planned parenthood videos we've heard so much about over the last few months. this is not the main thing we should be looking at. we should be looking at the fast-track bill to defund planned parenthood. the senate will take a vote on that more likely than not within the week. that will also fail to get 60 votes. so the question is, is the strategy by mcconnell to show conservatives that he's a serious pro-life leader but because of a democratic filibuster and because president obama will veto any bill that defunds planned parenthood is that enough to avert a government shutdown? the government runs out of money on wednesday of next week at midnight. so far, the strategy for mcconnell is to do this as a
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public show vote, then have a clean bill for a matter of a few months and then try to jam it through the house. it will get through the senate. the question is will john boehner put it on the floor while 35 conservatives said he'll oppose it no matter what. he'll have to do it with democratic help and he's not willing to do that so much because he feels that's a problem in keeping his speakership, jose. >> meanwhile, the clock is ticking down. luke russert, thank you very much. coming up, it is not quite as complicated as meeting the queen but there is a papal protocol. but first, if you ordered the new iphone 6s or 6 plus in store pickups on friday, u.p.s. said they won't be making some pick-ups and deliveries in certain areas during the pope's visit and fedex says some customers may experience service delays.ta he fires up the free wifi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation.
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in just a couple of hours
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pope francis will arrive in washington, d.c. thursday he'll address a joint meeting of congress after sending a letter to lawmakers that says, "out of respect for the pope's schedule and the expectation of a timely address be we respectfully request that you assist by refraining from handshakes and conversations along and down the center aisle during the announced arrivals." that gets us to pope protocol. one, presidential welcome. president obama will meet pope francis at andrews air force base. two, your holiness is what you are supposed to say when addressing the pontiff. president bush didn't get that memo when he called benedict sir during a visit to the vatican in 2007. three, shake or kiss. when greeting the pope you may shake the pope's hand or if you are catholic you may kiss his ring. four, shirt and shoes required. dark colored clothing recommended for government workers. women's hem lines covering the knees. sleeves hiding elbows.
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number five, selfies are okay despite protocol. pope francis has shown a little interest in protocols of taking these selfies. he's posed with many selfies with the faithful. just leave the selfie stick at home. security doesn't want to see those. thank you for the privilege of your time from washington, d.c. i'll see you tomorrow. pope francis expected to depart cuba at the top of the hour. coverage of this historic visit continues on msnbc. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. aleve, all day strong. and try aleve pm, now with an easy open cap.
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and a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. to move your company from what it is now... to what it needs to become. developing now on "news nation" -- new comments from republican presidential candidate ben carson who minutes ago said he absolutely stands by his remarks against a muslim being president. carson now blames a "politically correct culture" for the backlash he's received. and will other gop candidates heed scott walker's warning about front-runner donald trump and get out of the race so the party can rally behind someone else? we'll look at who now benefits from walker dropping out.
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and the people's pope is on his way to america. in just hours the pope is set to touch down in the u.s. for the very first time. we'll have the rundown of his events. and the one thing members of congress were were told no the to do when he arrives on capitol hill. good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall. developing now -- republican presidential candidate dr. ben carson is defending his comments on "meet the press" that he "would not advocate that we put a muslim in charge of this nation." and answering, no, if asked whether islam is consistent with the constitution. in the past hour dr. carson faced reporters in ohio. >> well, i would say if people listen to that interview, they'll notice that i said that anybody, regardless of their reon